MAPS Engagement: Integrated Report

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development represents a transformative set of commitments for ending poverty and protecting the planet. The role of the UN Development System to support implementation of these commitments is framed by the MAPS (Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support). The objective of the MAPS engagement in Egypt was to sustain national efforts, and to ensure that the gains from the reforms are widely distributed and inclusive, that they are reflected in the protection of existing and new vulnerabilities that emerges, and that progress is made towards meeting medium to long term objectives in addition to tackling immediate challenges. The MAPS Engagement focuses on four work packages, led and supported by respective development partners and under the close leadership of the Ministry of Planning. Each of the work packages include: (i) an analytical component to provide concrete evidence using data, tools, and qualitative assessments; (ii) a capacity development component to strengthen technical capacities of government to deliver effectively on the SDGs; and (iii) a policy support component to provide clear and concrete recommendations that are actionable.