Futures in The Time of COVID-19: Results of a strategic foresight exercise on the manufacturing sector in Egypt
٠٢ فبراير ٢٠٢١

In response to the impact of Covid-19 on the manufacturing sector, the Government of Egypt (led by the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development), the UN system (led by UN RCO, UNIDO, ITC) and private sector (led by Federation of Egyptian industries) and a range of partners organized a strategic foresight exercise on the future of manufacturing sector in Egypt during June-July 2020. The report presents the key findings and recommendations of this foresight exercise. Through the exercise stakeholders co-created four distinct future scenarios of the future of manufacturing, including one scenario of an ‘ideal future’ and associated policy actions in four key policy domains to enable transition to the ideal future.
تم النشر من قبل
مكتب المنسق(ـة) المقيم (ـة)
منظمة الأمم المتحدة للتنمية الصناعية
تم النشر بالتعاون مع
Ministry of Planning and Economic Development
International Trade Center