Government of Egypt and UN partner for the SDGs Summit
21 September 2023
The Egyptian Ministry of Planning and Economic Development hosted on 11 September 2023 in Cairo a national consultation to present and receive views on Egypt’s draft commitments to accelerate SDG progress. The Government plans to announce the commitments at the SDG Summit during the UNGA High-Level week. The event gathered 80 participants from across Egyptian society representing government, civil society, private sector, parliament, think tanks, academia and media. The aim was to build national consensus and ownership—a core principle of the SDGs.
The national consultation was part of an inclusive and innovative stakeholder engagement plan developed by the Government in collaboration with the UN Country Team in Egypt. An online survey was also launched to gather perspectives from an even wider range of Egyptian stakeholders on SDG progress, forward-looking priorities, and challenges to SDG implementation. Targeted outreach to civil society groups representing youth, women, and vulnerable populations also sought to ensure the collection of an inclusive range of views.
Inputs from both the consultation and survey are helping to refine the national commitments in advance of the SDG Summit.