30 September 2024
Launch of the Joint Programme for Migrants and Refugees in Egypt
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30 September 2024
Concluding Remarks by Ms. Elena Panova, UN Resident Coordinator to the Arab Republic of Egypt on the occasion of the Launch of the Joint Programme for Migrants and Refugees in Egypt
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Press Release
26 September 2024
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The Sustainable Development Goals in Egypt
The Sustainable Development Goals are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the earth’s environment and climate, and ensure that people everywhere can enjoy peace and prosperity. These are the goals the UN is working on in Egypt:
05 March 2024
Egypt.. new podcast to inspire action for sustainable development
The United Nations Information Centre in Cairo announced the launch of its new podcast, "Voices of Impact: UN in Egypt", with the UN in Egypt Resident Coordinator, Elena Panoa, being its first guest. This flagship podcast is set to shed light on the significant work carried out by the United Nations in Egypt, marking an important milestone in the enduring and successful partnership between the United Nations and Egypt, as a founding member of the international organization. “Voices of Impact: UN in Egypt" serves as an inspiring platform to explore and highlight the impactful initiatives, programs, and collaborations led by the United Nations within the Egyptian context. Through engaging discussions, interviews, and narratives, the podcast aims to showcase the multifaceted efforts undertaken to address pressing global challenges while fostering development, sustainability, and peace in Egypt and beyond.A wide array of perspectives will be presented, including UN officials, governmental and non-governmental organization representatives, experts, influencers, beneficiaries, and community leaders. The podcast will provide a comprehensive and insightful overview of the United Nations' invaluable contributions to Egypt's development journey and its commitment to leaving no one behind.In the first episode, Ms. Panova sheds light on the role played by the UN to resolve and alleviate the severe impacts of world and regional crises. She also highlights the work of the UN family in Egypt to support the government's efforts to achieve national priorities and the sustainable development goals. Moreover, she provides young people with valuable advice for personal and career development, including the possibility for them to join the United Nations or contribute to its work in Egypt and around the world. As the world faces increasingly complex challenges, the podcast will underscore the significance of multilateralism and international cooperation in tackling global issues effectively, by highlighting success stories, innovations, and collaborative partnerships. "Voices of Impact: UN in Egypt" aims to inspire individuals, communities, and stakeholders to actively contribute to positive change and sustainable development efforts.
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18 July 2023
75th Anniversary of Peacekeeping celebrated in Egypt
Cairo, Egypt - The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN in Egypt celebrated the 75th anniversary of UN Peacekeeping on Monday, 17 July, with a high-level event taking place at the Ministry’s premises in Cairo, reflecting high recognition of peacekeepers ’extraordinary contributions to international peace and security.
Attended by the Egyptian Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Multilateral Affairs and International Security Ambassador Ihab Badawi, the UN Resident Coordinator in Egypt, Elena Panova and a wide range of members of the diplomatic community in Egypt along with Egyptian female and male peacekeepers and their families, the event provided an opportunity to honor the service and sacrifice of Egyptian women and men in peacekeeping.
The celebration started with a screening of the UN Secretary-General’s message on Peacekeeping Day 2023, in which he honoured peacekeepers extraordinary contributions to international peace and security and expressed his sympathy and solidarity with their families, friends and colleagues. “United Nations peacekeepers are the beating heart of our commitment to a more peaceful world. For 75 years, they have supported people and communities rocked by conflict and upheaval across the globe,” the Secretary-General said. “Today, on the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, we honour their extraordinary contributions to international peace and security.”
Egypt is among key supporters of the UN Secretary-General’s Action for Peace (A4P) initiative aimed at reforming peacekeeping and making the operations more effective. In November 2018, Egypt held a high-level international conference with the aim of improving the impact and performance of UN Peacekeeping operations. The first of its kind since the A4P launch, the conference resulted in the “Cairo Roadmap for Peacekeeping Operations” outlining a workplan as well as a balanced executive framework for shared commitments in relation to the UN Secretary-General’s initiative, and it was eventually adopted by the African Union in 2020.
“Egypt has a long-standing belief in the vital role of UN Peacekeeping in upholding international peace and security. Egypt’s contributions have increased incrementally overtime, making it one of the major peacekeeping contributors of military and police personnel. Since 1960, Egypt has contributed more than 30,000 of uniformed peacekeepers who served in 38 UN operations deployed in 24 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. Furthermore, Egypt has been playing a key role and providing valuable contributions when it comes to developing conceptual aspects of peacekeeping and peacebuilding.”
The 6th largest contributor of uniformed personnel to UN Peacekeeping, Egypt currently deploys more than 2,800 military and police personnel to the UN peace operations in Abyei, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, South Sudan, and the Western Sahara.
These contributions were highlighted during the event through video documentaries by the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Interior and Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding.
The celebration also shed light on the need for more women in peacekeeping as key for more efficient peacekeeping operations, an area where Egypt has been an active player, with Egyptian female peacekeepers serving as role models in the peacekeeping missions where they serve.
“Egypt supports peacekeeping in the most direct way and in so doing it walks the talk. As per the end of April, Egypt was contributing more than 2,800 men and women peacekeepers in the line of duty. These brave women and men serve in some of the most challenging situations on this globe. And some of them pay the highest price, giving their life in the pursuit of peace,” said the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Egypt, Elena Panova. “Indeed, today we remember the Egyptian Blue Helmets that made the ultimate sacrifice in service of humanity.”
The celebration recognized injured Egyptian peacekeepers for their dedication and selflessness and paid tribute to their fallen colleagues who made the ultimate sacrifice in pursuit of peace, while serving under the UN flag. 10 families of injured and fallen Egyptian peacekeepers received honorary certificates from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN in Egypt.
In 1948, the historic decision was made to deploy military observers to the Middle East to supervise the implementation of Israel-Arab Armistice Agreements, in what became the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization.
Since that time, more than two million peacekeepers from 125 countries have since served in 71 operations around the world. Today, 87,000 women and men are serving in 12 conflict zones across Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.
The theme of the 75th anniversary “Peace begins with me” recognizes the service and sacrifice of peacekeepers, past and present, including more than 4200 who have given their lives under the UN flag. It also pays tribute to the resilience of the communities that we serve, who continue to strive for peace despite many obstacles.
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20 October 2022
مصر.. مدينة القاهرة تكافح تغير المناخ بالدراجات
"لطالما حلمت بوجود مشروع كهذا في بلدنا،" يقول محمد العربي، 20 عاما، وقد ارتسمت على ملامحه مظاهر حماس وسعادة واضحين، بينما يتفقد دراجة هوائية في إحدى محطات مبادرة "كايرو بايك"، في ميدان التحرير، بالعاصمة المصرية القاهرة. محمد هو واحد من عشرات الشباب والشابات الذين قاموا بتجربة نظام مشاركة الدراجات، "كايرو بايك"، الأول من نوعه في مصر، والذي أطلقته محافظة القاهرة بالتعاون مع برنامج الأمم المتحدة للمستوطنات البشرية، الخميس، 20 أكتوبر، قبل أيام قليلة على انطلاق مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة للمُناخ COP27، في جهد يهدف إلى تقديم حل يُساهم في تنوع وسائل المواصلات في القاهرة، ويقلل من الازدحام المروري وصولا إلى خفض الانبعاثات الضارة وتحسين جودة الهواء في المدينة التي تُصنفها الأمم المتحدة من بين أكبر المدن الحضرية في العالم.
ونظام مشاركة الدراجات، الذي شهد رئيس الوزراء مصطفى مدبولي فعاليات تدشينه، يستهدف الشباب بشكل رئيسي، ويهدف إلى إتاحة شبكة من الدراجات في مناطق متعددة ويمكن استخدامها بشكل آمن بين المحطات المختلفة من خلال استخدام تطبيق على الهاتف المحمول وتوفير الأسعار التنافسية وباقات الاشتراك المختلفة.
تكلفة ميسورة لتشجيع استخدام الدراجات
تحتوي المرحلة الأولى من المشروع على 250 دراجة و25 محطة في وسط القاهرة والمناطق المجاورة، ومن المقرر أن تتضمن المرحلة الثانية من المشروع في الشهور القادمة تكثيف عدد الدراجات إلى 500 دراجة في 45 محطة بالمواقع الرئيسة في وسط القاهرة وجاردن سيتي وجزيرة الزمالك في القاهرة، حيث تشمل الدراجات نظام تحديد المواقع العالمي (GPS) لضمان الإدارة المُثلى والأمن. وستغطي المحطات المواقع الاستراتيجية والنقاط الهامة لتجمع الشباب، بالإضافة إلى العديد من محطات المترو والحافلات.
يبدأ السعر من جنيه مصري واحد في الساعة مع إتاحة العديد من باقات الاشتراك وطرق الدفع المختلفة لضمان شمول جميع الأطراف المعنية، بالإضافة إلى توفير طرق الدفع البديلة.
يقول محمد: "يُتيح لك النظام استخدام الدراجة عن طريق بطاقة ذكية، وتُعتبر التكلفة رمزية حتى إذا استخدمت الدراجة طوال اليوم. كما أن هذا المشروع صديق للبيئة ويُساهم في تقليل التكدس المروري من خلال تقليل استعمال السيارات." أما نورة طاهر، صاحبة الـ18 عاما، والتي حظيت هي الأخرى بفرصة لركوب الدراجة، فاتفقت مع محمد، قائلة، "المشروع ربما لا يكون له عائد مالي كبير في المدى القريب، لكنه يُقلل الكثير من الخسائر التي ستحدث نتيجة للزيادة المتوقعة في استخدام المركبات مع النمو السكاني في السنوات القادمة، وما يُمكن أن يصحبه ذلك من تلوث للهواء والبيئة. أتمنى أن يشجع هذا المشروع المزيد من الأشخاص على استخدام الدراجات."
من مدينة رمادية إلى مدينة خضراء
يطمح القائمون على مشروع "كايرو بايك"، إلى توسيع نطاق نظام مشاركة الدراجات ليغطي مزيدا من المناطق بمدينة القاهرة، وصولا إلى باقي المحافظات المصرية. وبحسب محافظ القاهرة، تسعى المبادرة إلى إحداث تغيير في ثقافة استخدام وسائل النقل المستدامة من أجل تحول أخضر في شوارع المدن المصرية، من خلال ترسيخ مفاهيم البنية التحتية الخضراء والحفاظ على المساحات الخضراء والاستثمار في الطاقة المتجددة ووسائل التنقل المستدامة لدعم بيئة حضرية صديقة للمشاة وراكبي الدراجات، بما يتفق ما رؤية مصر 2030 وأجندة التنمية المستدامة للأمم المتحدة. وقال: "المدن مسؤولة عن 70 في المائة من مسببات انبعاثات الاحتباس الحراري لذلك نحرص على العمل لتغيير الأنماط التي تعمل بها مدننا حتى لا تكون قضية التغير المناخ عائقا أساسيا لتنمية واستدامة مدننا. لذلك فنحن في محافظة القاهرة نتعجل في العمل سويا نحو خفض الانبعاثات وتحقيق أهداف اتفاق باريس لمكافحة التغيرات المناخية والتكيف مع آثارها، ومشروعنا اليوم خطوة هامة في هذا الاتجاه."
كما أشار محافظ القاهرة إلى أن المشروع يُمثل خطوة مهمة نحو تغيير ثقافي تدريجي ورحلة تعلم هدفها تشجيع الممارسات المستدامة وصولا إلى عالم خال من الكربون.
نحو تغيير في الرؤية التقليدية لشوارع المدينة
تُعد المُدن الكبرى، كالقاهرة، مكانا مثاليا لأنظمة مشاركة الدراجات، حيث تشهد أحياؤها تنوعا من حيث الكثافات التي تتفاوت من متوسطة إلى عاليا، مما يخلق طلبا على ركوب الدراجات، إذ تصبح الرحلات القصيرة والمتوسطة ممكنة وأكثر سهولة باستخدام الدراجة.
وتقول السيدة رانيا هداية، مديرة البرنامج القُطري لبرنامج الأمم المتحدة للمستوطنات البشرية في مصر، إن المشروع سيساهم في تغيير طريقة تفكيرنا وتناولنا وتخطيطنا لشوارع المدينة. وتوضح: "عادة ما يكون التفكير منصبا على السيارات إلى حد بعيد عند تخطيط المدن. نحن نرى أن الأولوية في التخطيط ينبغي أن تكون لتمكين الناس من استخدام وسائل مختلفة في تنقلاتهم اليومية من مكان لآخر. فبدلا من اللجوء إلى توسعة الشوارع، نقوم اليوم باستقطاع أجزاء منها وتخصيصها لراكبي الدراجات. وهذا يتماشى مع رؤية مصر 2030، والحوارات والمفاوضات التي سيشهدها مؤتمر الأطراف COP27."
وترى السيدة هداية أنه لا غنى عن منظومات النقل الجماعي عند الحديث عن مواجهة أزمة المناخ ومعالجتها. ولهذا بدأ برنامج الأمم المتحدة للمستوطنات البشرية، كما تقول، منذ نحو ست سنوات حوارا مع الحكومة المصرية، من خلال شراكات مختلفة، سواء مع المحافظات أو وزارة الإسكان، مُمثلة في هيئة المجتمعات العمرانية الجديدة، من أجل إدخال نظم تنقل مستدامة جديدة كالدراجات الهوائية، وربطها بوسائل النقل الجماعي التقليدية كشبكة مترو الأنفاق أو الحافلات، لتشجيع الناس على تقليل الاعتماد على سياراتهم الشخصية في تنقلاتهم.
ويُعد مشروع كايرو بايك نتاج شراكة بين محافظة القاهرة وشركاء التنمية منذ بداية مراحل التخطيط في عام 2016، حيث وُقعت مذكرة التفاهم في يوليو 2017 بين محافظة القاهرة وبرنامج الأمم المتحدة للمستوطنات البشرية، وعُقد التعاون في يوليو 2019، بدعم وتمويل من مؤسسة دروسوس السويسرية ودعم فني وإشراف من قِبل معهد سياسة النقل والتنمية وبرنامج الأمم المتحدة للمستوطنات البشرية.
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07 November 2022
COP27.. Special Coverage of UN Egypt Pavilion
To Review pavilion agenda, click here
To watch side events live, follow UN Egypt Facebook page
UN Egypt Pavilion at COP27 is key contribution by the UN Country Team in Egypt aimed at enhancing contributions to Climate Action in Egypt.
The Pavilion’s agenda has been designed in a way that matches the global COP27 thematic agenda, with a special focus on different activities, programs and initiatives taking place in Egypt.
Titled, “One UN Egypt Pavilion”, it sheds light on the principle of delivering as one and the UN system in Egypt’s comprehensive approach in addressing the climate issue, putting it at the heart of the key pillars of the UN in Egypt’s work:
Human Capital
Access to Social Services
Economic Development
Empowering women and girls
Stay updated with live coverage of the UN Egypt Pavilion.
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21 September 2024
Peace Day: UN Egypt Resident Coordinator Commends Egypt as Anchor of Regional and Global Peace
Marking the International Day of Peace, 21 September 2024, the UN Resident Coordinator in Egypt, Elena Panova, recognized Egypt as an anchor of regional and international peace.“In today's complex and evolving security landscape, the need for effective multilateral cooperation has never been greater,” Panova wrote on X.“On the International Day of Peace, I reiterate the UN's appreciation of Egypt as a key multilateral player and indispensable anchor of regional and international peace.” Earlier in the day, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN in Egypt marked the occasion with a joint message posted on X, underlining the UN Charter’s principles of tolerance, peaceful coexistence, respect for equal rights, and the self-determination of peoples to strengthen universal peace.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN in Egypt further emphasized the importance of joint action to promote regional and international peace. Throughout the day, the UN in Egypt is marking the occasion with a dedicated social media campaign, highlighting Egypt’s contributions and commitment to the advancement of regional and global peace, multilateralism, and the importance of collective efforts in fostering a culture of peace. The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly. Two decades later, in 2001, the General Assembly unanimously voted to designate the day as a period of non-violence and ceasefire.This year's International Day of Peace is commemorated under the theme “Cultivating a Culture of Peace,” marking the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. In his message for the International Day of Peace, UN Secretary-General António Guterres stressed that the “catalogue of human misery must stop,” noting, “everywhere we look, peace is under attack. From Gaza to Sudan, to Ukraine and beyond, we see civilians in the firing line; homes blown apart; traumatized, terrified populations who have lost everything – and sometimes everyone.” The UN Chief issued a global call to seize this month’s Summit of the Future as a vital opportunity to advance global peace. According to the Secretary-General, this means “cultivating a culture of peace by replacing division, disempowerment, and despair with justice, equality, and hope for all.”He further highlighted the need to focus on preventing conflict, propelling the Sustainable Development Goals, promoting human rights, and tackling all forms of discrimination and hate.
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09 September 2024
Mobilizing regional momentum: UN Egypt’s Panova briefs Arab League on Summit of the Future
In an effort to catalyze regional ambition ahead of the Summit of the Future, the UN Resident Coordinator in Egypt, Elena Panova, on Sunday 8 September, briefed the League of Arab States (LAS) Member States on the Summit, highlighting its critical importance for creating a path for a better world for all. Panova’s briefing, generously facilitated by the Permanent Representative of Egypt to the UN, Ambassador Osama Abdel Khaleq, took place during the 162nd ordinary session of the LAS council at the level of permanent delegates.Using a comprehensive presentation detailing the Summit’s agenda, objectives and key expected outcomes, Panova underlined the need to seize this once-in-a-generation opportunity to achieve effective international cooperation and tackle emerging threats and opportunities. In particular, the UN Resident Coordinator in Egypt briefed LAS permanent representatives on the Pact for the Future, a key action-oriented outcome document that will be negotiated and endorsed by countries in the lead-up to and during the Summit. World leaders are also expected to adopt a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations as annexes to the Pact for the Future. Panova noted that the Pact supports developing countries’ aspirations and goes beyond any other multilateral agreement so far on international financial architecture reform by delivering a high-level political direction for transformation. Taking place on 22-23 September, the Summit of the Future will bring together world leaders at the United Nations to forge a new international consensus on how to deliver a better present and safeguard the future, for the sake of all humanity and for future generations.
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27 June 2024
MSME Day 2024: UN Joint Programme ‘Rabeha’ and MSMEDA Empower Women Entrepreneurs in Egypt
Cairo, Egypt – June 27, 2024 – Today, on MSME Day 2024, the global community celebrates the vital role of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in advancing sustainable development. MSMEs account for 90% of businesses and contribute significantly to employment and GDP worldwide. In Egypt, MSMEs are the backbone of the economy, driving local communities and economic resilience. To mark this occasion, Dr. Shaimaa Ali, Senior Manager at the Egyptian Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (MSMEDA), participated in a national radio broadcast on Sha3by FM to highlight how the agency is collaborating with the UN Joint Programme, ‘Rabeha,’ to support women entrepreneurs in Egypt. Rabeha, funded by the Government of Canada and implemented by UN Women and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), aims to empower over 6,300 women through enhanced access to employment and self-employment opportunities. Joining Forces to Support Women Entrepreneurs
MSMEDA and Rabeha are working together to enhance the local entrepreneurial ecosystem by improving services for women entrepreneurs. Through training programmes and awareness raising campaigns, women are equipped with entrepreneurship skills to succeed in sectors such as date palms, handicrafts, and medicinal and aromatic plants. These efforts also focus on educating women about decent self-employment and entrepreneurship opportunities as well as locally available support services in Beni Suef, Fayoum, Minya, and Wahaat."MSMEDA’s primary objective is to support the growth of MSMEs, which are so important to Egypt’s sustainable development," said Dr. Shaimaa Ali during the radio interview. "Together with Rabeha, MSMEDA is empowering women entrepreneurs to thrive, building a more inclusive and equitable economy." Promoting Sustainable Practices
Central to the Rabeha and MSMEDA collaboration is promoting circular economy principles and green entrepreneurship. 300 aspiring women entrepreneurs have received specialised training to develop sustainability plans and incorporate circular economy principles into their handicraft businesses.Supporting Market Access
Since late 2023, UNIDO has provided technical training to handicrafts entrepreneurs, focusing on product design, quality, marketing, and market access. With the support of an international design expert, the women developed innovative, eco-friendly products that use locally available materials. Linkages with international companies are also being established to support the integration of women-led businesses into global value chains. "We have reached a stage where we are helping women export their products and assisting them in innovation and marketing," Dr. Shaimaa Ali added. Preparations are underway for the Turathna (Our Heritage) exhibition, scheduled later this year in Cairo. This exhibition, a flagship initiative of MSMEDA, celebrates Egyptian cultural heritage and promotes the economic contribution of the handicrafts sector. Rabeha-supported women entrepreneurs will have a dedicated space to showcase their diverse handicrafts and products at this national event.The Rabeha programme has already supported the economic empowerment of more than 6,500 women in seven governorates through increased access to employment and self-employment opportunities. The programme is implemented by UN Women and UNIDO in partnership with the National Council for Women (NCW), the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI), and MSMEDA, with the generous support of Global Affairs Canada.For more insights into Rabeha and MSMEDA's initiatives and the impact of the programme, listen to the radio interview [
MSMEDA and Rabeha are working together to enhance the local entrepreneurial ecosystem by improving services for women entrepreneurs. Through training programmes and awareness raising campaigns, women are equipped with entrepreneurship skills to succeed in sectors such as date palms, handicrafts, and medicinal and aromatic plants. These efforts also focus on educating women about decent self-employment and entrepreneurship opportunities as well as locally available support services in Beni Suef, Fayoum, Minya, and Wahaat."MSMEDA’s primary objective is to support the growth of MSMEs, which are so important to Egypt’s sustainable development," said Dr. Shaimaa Ali during the radio interview. "Together with Rabeha, MSMEDA is empowering women entrepreneurs to thrive, building a more inclusive and equitable economy." Promoting Sustainable Practices
Central to the Rabeha and MSMEDA collaboration is promoting circular economy principles and green entrepreneurship. 300 aspiring women entrepreneurs have received specialised training to develop sustainability plans and incorporate circular economy principles into their handicraft businesses.Supporting Market Access
Since late 2023, UNIDO has provided technical training to handicrafts entrepreneurs, focusing on product design, quality, marketing, and market access. With the support of an international design expert, the women developed innovative, eco-friendly products that use locally available materials. Linkages with international companies are also being established to support the integration of women-led businesses into global value chains. "We have reached a stage where we are helping women export their products and assisting them in innovation and marketing," Dr. Shaimaa Ali added. Preparations are underway for the Turathna (Our Heritage) exhibition, scheduled later this year in Cairo. This exhibition, a flagship initiative of MSMEDA, celebrates Egyptian cultural heritage and promotes the economic contribution of the handicrafts sector. Rabeha-supported women entrepreneurs will have a dedicated space to showcase their diverse handicrafts and products at this national event.The Rabeha programme has already supported the economic empowerment of more than 6,500 women in seven governorates through increased access to employment and self-employment opportunities. The programme is implemented by UN Women and UNIDO in partnership with the National Council for Women (NCW), the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI), and MSMEDA, with the generous support of Global Affairs Canada.For more insights into Rabeha and MSMEDA's initiatives and the impact of the programme, listen to the radio interview [
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30 May 2024
Towards More Effective, Fit for Future UN Peacekeeping operations
Op-edBY Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Director of Public Diplomacy DepartmentElena Panova, UN in Egypt Resident Coordinator As we mark the 76th anniversary of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, we are reminded of the long and proud history, with more than one million peacekeepers having served in more than 70 operations on four continents since its establishment in 1948. Over the past seven decades, UN peacekeepers have tirelessly worked to mitigate conflicts, protect civilians, provide basic security guarantees, respond to crises and facilitate the transition to sustainable peace in some of the world's most challenging settings. In doing so, they have helped countries close the chapter of conflict and open a path to sustainable development, even if major peacebuilding challenges remain.Egypt has been a key supporter of UN peacekeeping efforts, contributing troops, police, civilians, and expertise to numerous missions across the globe. It built up an impressive record of peacekeeping achievements over more than 60 years of its existence. Egypt is one of the key countries that made these successes possible. Since 1960 when it first sent troops to the UN Operation in Congo, more than 30,000 Egyptians have served in 37 peacekeeping missions in 24 countries.As one of the largest contributors of uniformed personnel to UN Peacekeeping, Egypt currently deploys 1602 military and police personnel to the UN peace operations in Abyei, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, and the Western Sahara.As impressive as Egypt’s peacekeeping achievements are over more than 60 years of peacekeeping operations existence, so is Egypt’s sacrifice, with 60 brave Egyptian blue helmets paying the ultimate sacrifice in service of peace.Egypt’s service and sacrifice are recognized globally, demonstrated by its re-election as rapporteur of the UN Special Peacekeeping Operations Committee and its recent election as Chair of the UN Peacebuilding Commission. Furthermore, the adoption of the Cairo Roadmap on Enhancing Peacekeeping Operations as the African Union’s position shows Egypt’s strong leadership in this area.And through the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA), indeed, Egypt has provided a leading voice from the Global South on a wide range of topics, including conflict prevention and resolution, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. The CCCPA stands out as an African Union Center of Excellence, and the only civilian training center on issues of peace and security. Through effective partnership with the United Nations Family in Egypt, CCCPA has emerged as a pillar for fostering dialogue, negotiation and mediation; early warning and early response and crisis management in Africa and the Arab world.In today's complex and evolving security landscape, the need for effective multilateral cooperation has never been greater. Conflicts continue to erupt, often with devastating humanitarian consequences. UN peacekeeping missions are also facing unprecedented, growing threat from the weaponization of digital tools, with hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation undermining their vital work, and fueling violence against peacekeeping personnel, partners, and communities. The United Nations chose as theme for this year’s International Day of UN Peacekeepers: “Fit for the future, building better together,” pointing out the paramount importance for peacekeeping operations to adapt to the changing political landscape and nature of conflicts which have become more complex and interconnected. As peacekeeping has evolved to reflect the populations they serve, women have become increasingly part of the peacekeeping family – making operations more effective. It’s also an area where Egypt has been an active player, with Egyptian female peacekeepers – currently 102 brave Egyptian women are serving with 5 missions across Africa - considered as role models in the peacekeeping missions where they serveIn the words of the UN Secretary-General António Guterres, “in order for our peacekeepers to respond to the challenges of today and tomorrow, they need the world’s support.” In this regard, countries will not be able to address conflict prevention and resolution in an inclusive and sustainable manner without taking into account young people’s perspectives in planning and decision-making. The UN Security Council Resolution #2250 on Youth, Peace and Security is a landmark as it acknowledges the important role youth can play in the prevention and resolution of conflicts.Furthermore, the climate crisis poses an increasing threat to global peace and security, with rising sea levels, droughts, floods and other climate-related events, and highlights the need for UN peace operations around the world to adapt and mitigate the risk of climate driven conflicts. Despite its limited contribution to global warming, Africa disproportionately faces the worst of climate change impacts. The COP27 Presidency’s flagship initiative titled “Climate Responses for Sustaining Peace” (CRSP), has taken a leading role in this regard, by spearheading a discussion on how climate change may exacerbate the risks of violence, conflict or other national vulnerabilities, and the need to approach these through a multifaceted and holistic way. Egypt took the initiative even further by launching the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development. The forum, with the next edition scheduled for 2-3 July in Cairo, provides the first of its kind platform in Africa to address the interlinkages between peace and development, championing Africa-led solutions and addressing peacebuilding through a climate lens.Looking ahead, this International Day of UN Peacekeepers reminds us that collective commitment to a stronger engagement for advancing political solutions to conflict is needed more than ever. As the Secretary-General puts it, “UN Peacekeeping is a remarkable enterprise of multilateralism and international solidarity.” In September, member states will meet at the Summit of the Future, where they will jointly tackle how to respond to the world's emerging threats. In this important forum, UN member states have a responsibility to champion multilateralism, join forces and chart a more effective, accountable and inclusive peacekeeping operations, as laid out in the New Agenda for Peace." The New Agenda for Peace is the UN Secretary-General’s vision for strengthening multilateral action for peace, based on international law, in a world in transition.
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28 May 2024
Gaza: UN officials condemn Israeli airstrikes on camp for displaced
Senior UN officials have condemned Israeli air strikes on Sunday that hit a camp for displaced people in Rafah, southern Gaza, reportedly claiming over 35 Palestinian lives, including women and children.
Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, voiced his horror at further loss of civilian lives in the war-ravaged enclave.“The images from the camp are horrific and point to no apparent change in the methods and means of warfare used by Israel that have already led to so many civilian deaths,” he said in a news release on Monday.“Sunday’s strike underscores once again that there is literally no safe place in Gaza.”Tweet URL On 26 May, Palestinian armed groups fired a large barrage of rockets towards Tel Aviv in Israel, with several people reported to have been slightly injured. A few hours later, munitions from an Israeli aircraft struck a camp in the Al Hashash area in Rafah.Reports from the ground indicate several explosions and fires were ignited. The area was said to be sheltering people who had been displaced from North Gaza. Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) said that the strike targeted senior “Hamas officials”, and that they were aware of reports that civilians had been harmed in the resulting fires.Call for accountability“I note that the IDF has announced a review, but what is shockingly clear is that by striking such an area, densely packed with civilians, this was an entirely predictable outcome. It is crucial that such reviews lead to accountability and changes in policy and practices,” Mr. Türk said.He reiterated his called on all parties to the conflict to put in place a ceasefire, given the imperative of protecting civilians.“Palestinian armed groups must stop the firing of rockets which are inherently indiscriminate, in clear violation of international humanitarian law. They must also unconditionally release all hostages at once,” the High Commissioner said.“Israel must take immediate steps to protect civilians, and ensure they have access to essential humanitarian assistance, and release all those detained arbitrarily,” he addedEnd hostilitiesTor Wennesland, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, also underscored the need for investigation.“I call upon the Israeli authorities to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into this incident, hold those responsible for any wrongdoing to account, and take immediate steps to better protect civilians,” he said in a statement.“All parties in the conflict must refrain from actions that set us further away from achieving an end to hostilities and further jeopardize the already fragile situation on the ground and the broader region.”Tweet URL Attack ‘a monstrous atrocity’Echoing those comments, the UN indepenent human rights expert on housing also urged for “concerted global action” to halt the war, days since the UN’s top court called for an end to Israel’s expanding military operation in Rafah.“Attacking women and children while they cower in their shelters in Rafah is a monstrous atrocity,” said Balakrishnan Rajagopal, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing.“We need concerted global action to stop Israel’s actions now.”Appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, Special Rapporteurs are mandated to monitor and report on specific thematic or country situations. They are not UN staff, do not receive a salary, and serve in their individual capacity.No place and no one is safe: UNRWAIn a separate social media post the UN agency assisting Palestine refugees, UNRWA, also expressed concern about the safety and status of colleagues in Gaza with whom contact has been lost after the attack in Rafah. “We do not have an established communications line with our colleagues on the ground. We are not able to confirm their location and are extremely concerned for their wellbeing, and the wellbeing of all the displaced people sheltering in this area. No place is safe. No one is safe.”In addition to the deadly threat of violence, UN humanitarians insisted that famine is still a daily danger for the people of Gaza.Aid delivery delays continueThe warning comes amid an almost total halt to lifesaving aid convoy deliveries since the Israeli military seized Rafah crossing from Egypt into Gaza earlier this month, in response to a rocket attack on Kerem Shalom crossing on 5 May that resulted in the deaths of four Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldiers.According to UNRWA’s online portal for UN relief items and fuel entering Gaza via Rafah and nearby Kerem Shalom, no aid trucks have made it into the enclave since last Sunday. “Aid is there, tens of kilometres away on the boundaries- while the population gets closer to famine,” UNRWA Director of Planning, Sam Rose, said in a post on X late Sunday. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) also confirmed serious ongoing challenges receiving and delivering aid throughout Gaza, citing frequent delays, arbitrary checks access restrictions by the Israeli authorities.Relief mission pressures Between 1 and 23 May, 31 aid missions were denied access and 40 were impeded, including by “extensive delays, detaining aid workers, firing warning shots and forcing the abortion of officially approved missions”, OCHA said in a post on X on Sunday.“If food and humanitarian supplies do not begin to enter Gaza in massive quantities, desperation and hunger will spread, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) also warned on Monday, after UN Secretary-General António Guterres expressed concern that the humanitarian operation was “near collapse”.“The Secretary-General emphasizes that the Israeli authorities must facilitate the safe pickup and delivery of humanitarian supplies from Egypt entering Kerem Shalom to those in need,” the UN chief’s spokesperson said in a statement on Sunday, after the reported passage of aid relief and fuel from Egypt into Gaza via Kerem Shalom. “The Secretary-General reiterates his call for an immediate ceasefire and for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages to end the suffering of civilians,” the statement noted, adding that Mr. Guterres had been “dismayed” by the lack of implementation of the recent orders of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the situation in Gaza. “The decisions of the Court are binding,” the statement continued.
Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, voiced his horror at further loss of civilian lives in the war-ravaged enclave.“The images from the camp are horrific and point to no apparent change in the methods and means of warfare used by Israel that have already led to so many civilian deaths,” he said in a news release on Monday.“Sunday’s strike underscores once again that there is literally no safe place in Gaza.”Tweet URL On 26 May, Palestinian armed groups fired a large barrage of rockets towards Tel Aviv in Israel, with several people reported to have been slightly injured. A few hours later, munitions from an Israeli aircraft struck a camp in the Al Hashash area in Rafah.Reports from the ground indicate several explosions and fires were ignited. The area was said to be sheltering people who had been displaced from North Gaza. Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) said that the strike targeted senior “Hamas officials”, and that they were aware of reports that civilians had been harmed in the resulting fires.Call for accountability“I note that the IDF has announced a review, but what is shockingly clear is that by striking such an area, densely packed with civilians, this was an entirely predictable outcome. It is crucial that such reviews lead to accountability and changes in policy and practices,” Mr. Türk said.He reiterated his called on all parties to the conflict to put in place a ceasefire, given the imperative of protecting civilians.“Palestinian armed groups must stop the firing of rockets which are inherently indiscriminate, in clear violation of international humanitarian law. They must also unconditionally release all hostages at once,” the High Commissioner said.“Israel must take immediate steps to protect civilians, and ensure they have access to essential humanitarian assistance, and release all those detained arbitrarily,” he addedEnd hostilitiesTor Wennesland, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, also underscored the need for investigation.“I call upon the Israeli authorities to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into this incident, hold those responsible for any wrongdoing to account, and take immediate steps to better protect civilians,” he said in a statement.“All parties in the conflict must refrain from actions that set us further away from achieving an end to hostilities and further jeopardize the already fragile situation on the ground and the broader region.”Tweet URL Attack ‘a monstrous atrocity’Echoing those comments, the UN indepenent human rights expert on housing also urged for “concerted global action” to halt the war, days since the UN’s top court called for an end to Israel’s expanding military operation in Rafah.“Attacking women and children while they cower in their shelters in Rafah is a monstrous atrocity,” said Balakrishnan Rajagopal, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing.“We need concerted global action to stop Israel’s actions now.”Appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, Special Rapporteurs are mandated to monitor and report on specific thematic or country situations. They are not UN staff, do not receive a salary, and serve in their individual capacity.No place and no one is safe: UNRWAIn a separate social media post the UN agency assisting Palestine refugees, UNRWA, also expressed concern about the safety and status of colleagues in Gaza with whom contact has been lost after the attack in Rafah. “We do not have an established communications line with our colleagues on the ground. We are not able to confirm their location and are extremely concerned for their wellbeing, and the wellbeing of all the displaced people sheltering in this area. No place is safe. No one is safe.”In addition to the deadly threat of violence, UN humanitarians insisted that famine is still a daily danger for the people of Gaza.Aid delivery delays continueThe warning comes amid an almost total halt to lifesaving aid convoy deliveries since the Israeli military seized Rafah crossing from Egypt into Gaza earlier this month, in response to a rocket attack on Kerem Shalom crossing on 5 May that resulted in the deaths of four Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldiers.According to UNRWA’s online portal for UN relief items and fuel entering Gaza via Rafah and nearby Kerem Shalom, no aid trucks have made it into the enclave since last Sunday. “Aid is there, tens of kilometres away on the boundaries- while the population gets closer to famine,” UNRWA Director of Planning, Sam Rose, said in a post on X late Sunday. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) also confirmed serious ongoing challenges receiving and delivering aid throughout Gaza, citing frequent delays, arbitrary checks access restrictions by the Israeli authorities.Relief mission pressures Between 1 and 23 May, 31 aid missions were denied access and 40 were impeded, including by “extensive delays, detaining aid workers, firing warning shots and forcing the abortion of officially approved missions”, OCHA said in a post on X on Sunday.“If food and humanitarian supplies do not begin to enter Gaza in massive quantities, desperation and hunger will spread, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) also warned on Monday, after UN Secretary-General António Guterres expressed concern that the humanitarian operation was “near collapse”.“The Secretary-General emphasizes that the Israeli authorities must facilitate the safe pickup and delivery of humanitarian supplies from Egypt entering Kerem Shalom to those in need,” the UN chief’s spokesperson said in a statement on Sunday, after the reported passage of aid relief and fuel from Egypt into Gaza via Kerem Shalom. “The Secretary-General reiterates his call for an immediate ceasefire and for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages to end the suffering of civilians,” the statement noted, adding that Mr. Guterres had been “dismayed” by the lack of implementation of the recent orders of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the situation in Gaza. “The decisions of the Court are binding,” the statement continued.
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Press Release
26 September 2024
225 Egyptian farmers complete a program to combat Red Palm Weevil via 11 Farmers Field School
The FFS graduation ceremonies were organized in New Valley Governorate, with 5 FFSs in Dakhla Oasis and Paris Oasis, 2 FFSs in Aswan Governorate, 3 FFSs in Siwa Oasis in Marsa Matrouh Governorate, and one FFS in Bahariya Oasis in Giza Governorate.The graduation ceremonies were attended by representatives of FAO, the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture, representatives of the governorates, officials of the city councils where the ceremonies were held, in addition to representatives of civil society organizations, palm and pest control experts, FFS facilitators, farmers and stakeholders.“Egypt ranks first in the world in date production, in 2022, studies on assessing the economic and social impact of the red palm weevil in Egypt showed that RPW was detected on 94% of date palm farms, and the estimated annual cost of on-going RPW treatment programs is USD 5.7 million, while the annual value of lost date palms and associated forgone revenues is up to USD 213 million” said Thaer Yaseen FAO Regional Plant Protection Officer for the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region.“Over the past few years, an integrated management and control program of RPW has been developed in Egypt and NENA region. FFS is a major activity of this program, focusing specifically on combating the red palm weevil and applying good practices for serving the palm tree, which contributes significantly to reducing the damage caused by this weevil. FFS have succeeded in largely spreading awareness and motivating farmers to apply scientific methods in combating this insect” Yaseen added.It is worth noting that around 90 percent of the world's dates are grown in the NENA region, and nearly 50 million farmers’ livelihoods are affected by the RPW, while EUR 480 million worth of date palms are destroyed in the Mediterranean countries each year.The FAO RPW eradication program “GCP/RNE/012/MUL” is a five-year project that aims to contribute to the ongoing efforts to manage the RPW in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region. The project was designed to develop the necessary strategies, plans, tools, and technologies to assist NENA countries in sustainably managing the RPW through three major thematic areas: i) governance ii) capacity building; and iii) transfer of knowledge and technology.
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Press Release
26 September 2024
New York, 26 September 2024
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Press Release
24 September 2024
Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General – on the situation in Lebanon and Israel
The Secretary-General notes the ongoing efforts by UNSCOL and UNIFIL to reduce tensions and reiterates the urgent need for an immediate de-escalation and that all efforts be devoted to a diplomatic solution. The Secretary-General reiterates his call for all parties to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure and ensure they are not put in harm’s way. He also reminds all actors of their responsibility to ensure the safety and security of all UN personnel and assets. The Secretary-General urges the parties to recommit to the full implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006) and immediately return to a cessation of hostilities to restore stability. Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-GeneralNew York, 23 September 2024
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Press Release
19 September 2024
The Secretary-General's Message on the International Day of Peace 21 September
Everywhere we look, peace is under attack.From Gaza, to Sudan, to Ukraine and beyond we see:Civilians in the firing line;Homes blown apart;Traumatised, terrified populations who have lost everything – and sometimes everyone.This catalogue of human misery must stop.Our world needs peace.Peace is the ultimate prize for all humanity.And as this International Day of Peace reminds us – the solutions are in our hands. Cultivating a culture of peace means replacing division, disempowerment, and despair with justice, equality and hope for all.It means focusing on preventing conflict; Propelling the Sustainable Development Goals;Promoting human rights.And tackling all forms of discrimination and hate.This month’s Summit of the Future is a vital opportunity to advance these aims.Let’s seize it.Together, let’s lay the groundwork for peace.And let’s nurture a culture where equality, peace and justice thrive.António Guterres
21 September 2024
21 September 2024
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Press Release
12 September 2024
President Nangolo Mbumba, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Excellencies, Thank you for bringing us together today for this Global Call on the Summit of the Future. The Summit is just days away, but getting to this point has taken years of effort. I want to thank you and your governments for your commitment, every step of the way. Member States are now in the final stages of negotiating the three agreements to be adopted at the Summit of the Future: the Pact for the Future, the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations. My appeal is for you to push hard for the deepest reforms and most meaningful actions possible. We need maximum ambition during these final days of negotiation. Because the challenges we face are moving much faster than our ability to solve them. Ferocious conflicts are inflicting terrible suffering. Deep geopolitical divides are creating dangerous tensions, multiplied by nuclear threats. Inequality and injustice corrode trust and fuel populism and extremism. Discrimination, misogyny and racism are taking on new forms. Poverty and hunger are at crisis levels as the Sustainable Development Goals are slipping out of reach. And we have no effective global response to new and even existential threats. Nine years after the Paris agreement, the climate crisis is still accelerating, and technologies like Artificial Intelligence are being developed in an ethical and legal vacuum. Our institutions cannot keep up, because they are designed for another era and another world. The Security Council is stuck in a time warp; international financial architecture is outdated and ineffective; and we are simply not equipped to take on a wide range of emerging issues. 21st century challenges require 21st century problem-solving institutions. The Summit of the Future is an important step in the journey to build stronger and more effective multilateralism. An opportunity to update and reform global institutions, including the Security Council and international financial architecture, to reflect and respond to the political and economic realities of today and tomorrow. We need a renewed focus on the prevention and mediation of conflicts – not only through negotiation and preventive diplomacy, but by creating conditions for stability through sustainable development and respect for human rights. We need to connect the root causes of conflict and recognize that the climate crisis is a threat multiplier for insecurity. We need to respond to the changing nature of warfare and update our peace operations accordingly. And we need agreement on mitigating the risks of weaponizing new technologies. As well, we need reforms to the global financial architecture and make it correspond to today’s global economy and fit to address today’s challenges. Global financial institutions should support developing countries to lift themselves out of debt and invest in sustainable development and climate action. We need to increase the lending capacity of multilateral development banks dramatically and change their business model, so that they can help developing countries to gain far more access to private finance at affordable rates. And we need ways for governments, together with tech companies, academia and civil society, to work together to manage the risks posed by new technologies – including AI – and make sure those technologies benefit everybody. The United Nations is in a unique position to act as a platform and a convening space for key stakeholders. As global shocks become more complex and disruptive, we need Emergency Platforms that swing into action automatically, convening major players according to agreed protocols. We cannot walk into the next global pandemic or shock without being better prepared. And across the board, we need to strengthen respect for human rights and cultural diversity. In the face of renewed attacks on the rights and dignity of women and girls, we need strong action to end discrimination and gender-based violence and remove the barriers that exclude women from power. In short, we need greater global solidarity today and with future generations; better management of critical issues of global concern; and an upgraded United Nations that can meet the challenges of a new era. As we reach the end of negotiations on the three texts, I appeal to all governments to make sure they are as ambitious as possible – to restore the hope and trust we need in order to address the dramatic challenges of our time with a new global consensus. Excellencies, The Summit of the Future is an opportunity for far-reaching agreements on international collaboration for a safer, more sustainable and more equitable world. Let’s seize it. I call on Member States to act swiftly, with vision, courage, solidarity and a spirit of compromise, to get the three draft agreements over the finish line. Let’s make the most of this critical milestone on the road to a more networked, effective and inclusive multilateralism for the 21st century. And I thank you.
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